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The above portrait of Cissy Anderson was judged: Best Bridal Portrait in Virginia's Professional Photography judging during the annual convention in Roanoke. Six lights were used to sculpt the beautiful features of Cissy during her portrait session before painting the image to further enhance her effortless beauty. We thank Cissy for this exquisite portrait as well as the judges who recognized this image as the "Best"

Image © Robert Harris Photography
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"One Dog's Family" was judged the "Best Portrait of a Group," The portrait features the Jacqueline extended family and their dog, Daisy. Our complements to each individual in the group who made this portrait a complete success, and a special treat for "Daisy."
We greatly appreciate the accolades from our peers, however our greatest pleasure is knowing the joy our portraits bring to our clients and the value they place on our work...Wanda and I are very humbled and appreciative of you all.
With Sincere gratitude,